Best Collagen Protein Powder Reviews – Top Rated Brands for 2020

Collagen protein equates to one-third of the total proteins produced by the body. It has a large role in skin health but it is also one of the connective proteins for muscles, blood cells, heart, arteries, and lungs. Its role is thus crucial and it can also be used for various purposes in the form of supplements. Collagen Protein Powder can be used for the following reasons:

  • Weight loss
  • Muscle Growth
  • Joint health
  • Anxiety
  • Digestion

While there are different products to choose from, their quality and their quantity will need to be adjusted to your goals.

Top 5 Collagen Protein Powders

Perfect Keto Collagen - TOP PICK4.8 out of 5 stars
Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder4.7 out of 5 stars
Dr, Axe Multi Collagen Protein4.6 out of 5 stars
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides4.5 out of 5 stars
Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel4.4 out of 5 stars

What is Collagen Protein Powder Good For?

As it is made by the body, collagen supports different functions. It represents 90% of the bone mass in your body. It is also the equivalent of one-third of the entire number of proteins in your body. It is thus also important for joints support and as a connective tissue, it is also important for the circulatory health and muscle health. Since it can support various other functions such as weight loss and muscle gain, it is also available in supplement form which is basically a micronized powder which is always made from real foods. Thus, you can enjoy a better collagen intake with the help of a supplement.

The Impressive Benefits of Collagen Protein Powder

When it comes to the benefits of collagen protein, you need to know that it cannot be replaced in the body and a good diet is always a good place to start with. Some of the leading foods for quality collagen intake include:

  • Salmon
  • Red vegetables
  • Dark green vegetables
  • Orange vegetables
  • Organic berries
  • Citrus fruits
  • Soy
  • Oysters

Thus, you come to the point where you want to improve collagen intake from foods first and then you can use a supplement to boost or complete this intake. In most cases, a supplement will also come with a specific serving of collagen which is measured in grams. Thus, one of the benefits of collagen protein powders comes with the fact that they are very easy to measure and you can know the grams you consume every day. While for most people this is not primordial, those who are looking to reach a certain fitness goal might find this to be a great advantage. If you want to lose weight or gain muscles size, calculating your portion sizes is the best specific way to reach your goals faster.

Weight Loss

One of the most important benefits of collagen protein powders comes with weight loss. This is one of the main reasons it has been mass-produced into weight loss products as well. Hydrolyzed collagen represents one of the best solutions for this reason. But what makes it so good for weight loss?

Hydrolyzed collagen suppresses appetite. It also takes longer to digest than carbs and it thus keeps you full for longer. With such characteristics, it is often the foundation ingredient in many weight loss products. Its overall role is impressive in this fitness goal mainly due to the impact on the muscle and the skin as well.

For example, if you are fighting loose skin due to major weight loss you need to use collagen protein to boost the elasticity of the skin and to make it regain its true flexibility which is needed for this task. Hydrolyzed collagen also has an important role when it comes to purity. It can thus be free from hormones and many other types of additives which can be found in too many foods in the supermarkets. Thus, it meets two main criteria when it comes to weight loss. It targets all the roles of the collagen in the body and it does this by adding quality nutrition to your diet free from fillers. Of course, this also makes it more expensive than other types of protein but if you truly want the best overall experience and if you understand its role in the body, collagen protein supports your efforts very well, especially in the conditions in which you might be struggling with quality collagen intake yourself, just from diet alone.

At the same time, collagen protein on its own will not result in weight loss. It is merely a food and it is how you use it which is most important. Thus, you get the ability to work with some of the most impressive solutions when it comes to good overall health alongside supplementation for the purpose of weight loss. The only proven methods include a good physical activity level every day and special attention to the diet. This includes the number of calories you consume and the quality of the foods as well.

Weight loss can also be achieved with some medication but it is really not recommended for anyone. The sole exception is when your doctor actually recommends it for you and when you are under strict professional observation. This measure is usually the last resort for doctors as well.

But in combination with the right diet and exercise routine, collagen protein powder can support weight loss. It also plays an important role when it comes to making the separation between muscle mass and body fat. Thus, as it supports muscles as well, it will help you minimize muscle loss while maximizing body fat reduction when paired with physical activity which burns calories. This is very important in the long term since the more muscles you have in your body, the more you will be likely to burn fat and switch towards a better body fat to muscle balance. This is why it is used both by those who want to lose weight and by those who want to gain muscle size as well.

Muscle Growth

When it comes to muscle growth, collagen protein powder is one of the best solutions. It comes to meet the needs of those seeking to improve muscle development. Generally speaking, if you want to grow your muscles you will also need to consume at least 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of muscle. As a general rule, you will also need a quality supplement if you decide to use a powder since there are not too many lean foods you can consume without an effort to do this for added protein quality.

Thus, you want to improve your overall chances when it comes to maximizing muscle growth with a simple solution which aims to deliver a constant intake of protein every day. The supplement or powder should thus be seen as a real food.

One of the marketing schemes new users fall for includes the claim that collagen protein is faster to act as a supplement and it can build muscle faster. In reality, it will take time to build muscle and it might take years of dedication and heavy lifting alongside. With many results when it comes to muscle development, people might even find that the same diet and the same supplement offer different results and this is why you need to follow a plan which is right for you.

Regulations don’t actually involve this for most products and information on the long-term user, which is essential for muscle growth, is often not included in the products. At the same time, you will also need the right type of exercise routine to allow you the performance you need.

Top 5 Collagen Protein Powders

Perfect Keto Collagen - TOP PICK4.8 out of 5 stars
Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder4.7 out of 5 stars
Dr, Axe Multi Collagen Protein4.6 out of 5 stars
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides4.5 out of 5 stars
Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel4.4 out of 5 stars

Collagen Protein Powders and Muscle Growth

Collagen protein has a crucial role in muscle development. Collagen peptides contain two or three amino acids which are essential to muscle growth and which are also the foundation of Creatine production. The amino acids are glycine and arginine and they are important in Creatine production.

Creatine has an important role in muscle development as it allows you to get stronger. The stronger you are, the more muscles you will build.

When to consume collagen protein for muscle growth?

Timing can also be important for the best results when it comes to muscle growth. Thus, you have the ability to choose the timing which works for you. Many manufacturers recommend consuming the collagen early in the morning or immediately after a workout. Science tells us that the calories at the end of the day are the most important. Thus, you need the right approach when it comes to good overall health and muscle building.

If you train in the morning, you can add the collagen powder to your post-workout shake. If you train in the evening, you can still consume the collagen protein after a workout but only in certain conditions. For example, if your formulation comes with other ingredients such as caffeine or green tea extracts, it might keep you awake during the night and you want to avoid this.

If you are simply looking at the perspective of long-term results, you can consume the powder with the intent of adding daily calories and peptides to your diet. Thus, this might even help you recover better and faster. At the end of the day, you will thus have the ability to enjoy the best overall results when it comes to added aid in muscle growth.

Disclaimer: One way not to consume collagen protein powders is with sporadic use. You need to consume it every day together with a balanced nutrition. If you consume it sporadically, your body will not be able to fully absorb it into the muscles you need. Muscles adapt to the strength they need to work with according to the nutrition they get. Thus, if you do not have the right nutrition, you will not be able to build muscle.

Do you need collagen protein powder to build muscle?

One of the main questions to consider comes with the true need of collagen powder for muscle building. In truth, this is not needed for most people. You can build muscle and you can also experience great results when it comes to better overall muscles size with food and exercise alone.

But modern times can give us some advantages which are often misunderstood. This is why you need to look at supplementation as a major advantage which allows you good overall results in addition to your regular efforts. It also means that you have the ability to choose between some of the best solutions when it comes to better overall weight gain with more complex formulas.

For example, some products now offer a combination of collagen with MCT oil which is a healthy source of fat. It can be used for weight loss with good results but it can also add calories when you want to gain weight and muscles as well. Some formulations can come with added vitamins which can also support your long-term efforts as well.

With better overall results when it comes to purity and formulations which are generally very specific, you get the ability to choose solutions which work great and which are truly made for better collagen intake. So which quantity is the best?

Most products come with a serving size between 10 and 22 grams of collagen protein. Depending on your size, you might want to increase the intake as you go. At the same time, you also need a good solution when it comes to better overall absorption rates and this is why you don’t want to go overboard as well. Up to two grams of collagen protein per pound of weight represents a good option when it comes muscle growth.

At the same time, if your diet already has a good intake of collagen protein, you can choose a lower concentration which is closer to the 10-gram mark when it comes to the best results as this will allow you a good concentration of added quality nutrition. With better results in terms of diet, you can ensure a good intake of peptides yourself. You can top this with a simple scoop of collagen in your post-workout shake. Or you can also use it early in the morning if you want better energy for the entire day.

Joint Health

Another area which greatly benefits from collagen protein comes with joint health. The peptides thus play an important role when it comes to proper muscle development or simply for better joints. You can also expect:

Fewer Aches

Aches can be a problem for active people. Even if you are not looking to gain weight, simply being an active person can put a lot of stress on your joints. You thus have the ability to ensure great overall results when it comes to good joint health as the collagen proteins are quickly used in joints such as the knees.

Support for Strength Improvement

Strength improvement is often tied to muscles. But if you don’t have the joints to support this as well, you will really struggle to find great results. This is why it is important to use strength training and proper nutrition to improve the strength of your joints. You will also need the right approach when it comes to knee strength which is one of the most important joints in the body.

Knee strength can take a serious impact if you are overweight. This means that you will first have to lose weight before starting strength training and improving the core strength of the joints as you don’t want to damage them in the long-term. It is also considered important to choose the options which allow you to do this progressively. Overload or weight progression is essential for this purpose. If your single aim with collagen protein powder is to improve the strength of your joints, you will need a plan to slowly increase weight over time. This allows your joints to adapt and gain strength while staying as far as possible from injuries.

Increased Range of Motion

Another benefit of stronger joints comes with the increased range of motion. You thus have the ability to ensure the best results when it comes to joints which are better prepared for considerable improvements with the weight your joins can handle.

The range of motion is often limited by mobility issues which can also be improved through training and nutrition. Collagen and fatty acids such as Omega 3 play an essential role for this as well. You can thus say that if you consume the right ingredients and if you follow the right exercise plan, you will have a better chance to improve your joint mobility as well.


Anxiety and depression can also benefit from the amino acids of collagen. A study claims the glycine from collagen can have an important role when it comes to neurotransmitters and when it comes to better stress management as well. This is why it is important to look at the options which ensure a good amino acid intake when you struggle with anxiety or depression. Amino acids thus support brain activity and they can also be among the options to consider when it comes to natural solutions.

The good news is that both anxiety and depression are also linked to minimized effects when you add physical activity to your routine. Thus, with a good intake of collagen protein and increased physical activity, you gain in two areas which mean that you will be fitter and that you will have a better mood as well. Collagen is thus still very complex and there are a lot of benefits yet to be discovered with it.


Glycine also has an important role when it comes to good overall digestion. If you feel deprived of energy or sluggish, you need to ensure that your digestive system is in good working condition. In many cases, you will also need the soothing proprieties of collagen to ensure that your digestive system is working at an optimum rate.

How Long Should You Take Collagen?

When it comes to supplementation, you also need to remember that not all products are the same. Given that you are healthy and that you have physical activities every day, you can consume a pure collagen product for long periods of time, even years. It is often worth stopping all supplementation from time to time. It is also worth checking your medical condition at least once per year if you take supplements. But when it comes to the best collagen protein powders, you can choose one of the following options:

Top 5 Collagen Protein Powders

Perfect Keto Collagen - TOP PICK4.8 out of 5 stars
Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder4.7 out of 5 stars
Dr, Axe Multi Collagen Protein4.6 out of 5 stars
Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides4.5 out of 5 stars
Primal Kitchen Collagen Fuel4.4 out of 5 stars

Perfect Keto – Keto Collagen Protein Powder

The Keto Collagen from Perfect Keto is one of the popular powders in its class. It comes with high-quality collagen in the amount of 10 grams per serving. Following the direction of the Perfect Keto product policy, it also comes with 5 grams of MCT oil. This oil is extracted directly from coconuts and it represents one of the viable options when it comes to better overall weight loss results. With added healthy fats, you also get the ability to consume a product which normalizes hormones and this can be another great advantage when it comes to weight loss.


  • Made for the average consumer
  • Includes 5g of MCT oil
  • Great for weight loss
  • Easy to mix


  • Not best for muscle growth

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The collagen from the Perfect Keto powder is thus one of the leading options when it comes to boner, joints and muscle health. It represents a solution which is easy to mix with any drink and which can be a solution for weight loss with its filling MCT oil extracts. Although present in a smaller quantity, the MCT oil can thus be one of the best solutions when it comes to better overall healthy fats intake and one of the innovative formulations in its class.  You can find our Perfect Keto Collagen Reviews here.

Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder

The Bulletproof Collagen Protein Powder is one of the potent formulations in its class. It comes with 22 grams of collagen protein which gives it the potency which is needed to build muscle mass if needed. As general protein products in its class, it represents a viable option to be served on its own, especially as it comes with chocolate and vanilla flavors. If you plan to mix it with other ingredients as well, you can choose the unflavored option as well. The product is also used in weight loss diets, especially with bulletproof coffee.


  • Great protein content for all users
  • Comes in 2 flavors
  • Includes unflavored option
  • Can be used in bulletproof coffee


  • Sweet for some people

The collagen powder is thus among the options to consider when you want more protein per serving. With 22 grams of collagen protein with each serving, it can be used to feed your muscles immediately after a workout. Alternatively, you can mix it with coffee and serve it in the morning for a plus of energy as well.

Dr. Axe Multi-Collagen Protein Powder

The Dr. Axe Multi-Collagen Protein Powder is one of the complex formulations, as expected. It allows you to enjoy collagen made from bovines, eggs, fish, and chicken which makes it a quality solution for many people. It can be a specifically powerful option for active people who need the good diversity of nutrients as well. With up to 58 servings per pack, it represents an option to consume for at least one month.


  • Delicious flavor
  • Made with varied collagen
  • Different packs to choose from


  • Only 7 grams per serving

The collagen is thus among the options to consider when it comes to good overall fitness. Since it comes with only 7 grams per serving, it is much more recommended for losing weight. If you plan to gain weight, you will need to double the servings or even triple them to reach the same amount of grams as some of the products from the competition. But for weight loss, it is one of the products with one of the most complex collagen sources in its class.

Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides

The Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides represent one of the viable solutions which can be used for any fitness goal. With 20 grams of collagen per serving, it can easily be mixed and consumed every day. Its collagen comes from grass-fed animals and this makes it one of the quality solutions in its class. With no preservatives or gluten, it is a product to consume for the long-term as well.


  • 20 grams of protein per serving
  • Recommended for all fitness goals
  • Grass-fed sources


  • No flavored options

The powder is thus versatile as it comes unflavored. If you want the best taste, you can mix it with other drinks such as coffee. But you can also consume it mixed with water after or before a workout. Since it is free from preservatives, it also represents a viable option when it comes to a youthful and elastic skin.

Primal Kitchen – Collagen Fuel Protein Mix

With added coconut oil fats, the complex Primal Kitchen – Collagen Fuel Protein Mix is one of the leading options in its class when it comes to better overall complexity. Made with 20 grams of hydrolyzed collagen, it represents a viable option when it comes to better overall weight loss support. For this reason, it can act to suppress hunger and it can be one of the options to consider when it comes to better overall muscle and joint support as well.


  • Complex formulation
  • Includes coconut oil fats
  • 20 grams of hydrolyzed collagen per serving


  • Not best for weight gain

The product is thus among the recommended options when you want a solution with included healthy fats. If you are on a diet of lower calories, it can be one of the options to consider when it comes to better overall results with hunger suppression.

Premium Multi-Collagen Protein Powder

The Premium Multi-Collagen Protein Powder from MAV Nutrition is a complex formulation as its name suggests. It combines multiple types of collagen and it represents a viable option when it comes to collagen which comes from bovines, chicken, eggs, and fish. With such complexity, it would be a good option for any goal. But with 7 grams per serving, it is intended for those who want to enjoy better overall results with weight loss. It can also be an option when seeking to improve skin and joint health as you will not need larger servings for these purposes.


  • Combines multiple collagen proteins
  • Used for various needs
  • Great for joint health
  • Improves skin health


  • Small serving size for some users

The collagen protein is thus among the options to consider when it comes to good overall health. It can be used as a booster for better skin and it can also be used to improve the overall joint mobility as well. For the brain benefits, the serving size is also strongly recommended. It is, however, not recommended for weight gain with its 7 grams per serving.

Multi-Collagen PRO Collagen Peptides

Rich in Alanine, Glycine, and Arginine, the Multi-Collagen PRO Collagen Peptides represent a quality powder as well. Gathered from sources such as meat, fish, and eggs, the collagen peptides are a recommended product for better skin, healthier nails, and better hair as well. With 7 grams per serving, it has a limited role in other uses for athletes.


  • Great for skin
  • Improves nails
  • Used for better hair


  • Small serving

The product is thus among the recommended options when it comes to good overall skin health. For this reason, you will need to use it every day. You can use it in various shakes or you can add it to your coffee for a low-impact consumption which is easy to sustain every day.

Antler Farms – 100% Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein Powder

The Antler Farms – 100% Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein Powder comes with a good absorption rate. It represents a viable option when you want to ensure the best overall absorption rates as it comes with a hydrolyzed form. Made from bovine sources, it comes with 14g per serving which means that it is a balanced formulation for most uses.


  • Easy to absorb
  • Made from bovine sources
  • 14g per serving


  • Not the most affordable option

As one of the balanced solutions, the product is thus great when it comes to good overall health and the capacity to improve skin, hair, and nails. But it can also be used for more intensive tasks such as joint health since it comes with good absorption rates.

Collagen Complete Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder

The Collagen Complete Pure Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder is one of the bovine-based products rich in Glycine. It represents a viable option when it comes to good skin and can be used for different health aspects which involve nails and hair. With 11 grams of collagen per serving, it is also one of the products which are easy to digest.


  • Made from bovine sources
  • Great for most people
  • Improves skin elasticity


  • Small serving in some cases

The product can thus represent a viable option when you want to improve the elasticity of your skin or when you want to improve your hair and nails. With a small serving, it is also very easy to mix with most liquids.

Sports Research Pure Collagen Peptides Powder (Hydrolyzed)

The Sports Research Pure Collagen Peptides Powder is one of the unflavored products which are recommended for better skin, hair, and joint. It comes with 11 grams per serving and it represents a solution which is high in Glycine and Glutamic acid.


  • Great for mixing with water
  • Improves joint health
  • Recommended for healthier hair


  • No flavor

The product can thus be mixed with water or consumed with juice or coffee. Since it has no flavor, it may not be as pleasant to consume on its own but it can come with the advantage of having no artificial flavors added to it.

Clean and Happy Living Collagen Protein Peptides

The Clean and Happy Living Collagen Protein Peptides comes with only 40 calories per serving. It is thus a recommended product for weight loss purposes. You can take advantage of the Glycine which is high in concentration with the product as well.


  • Only 40 calories
  • Great for skin health
  • Recommended during weight loss diets


  • Limited serving size in some cases

The collagen is thus one of the recommended options when you have the overall calories in mind. Since it only comes with 40 calories, it represents a product which is easy to use and which allows you to consume it on your way to lower weight as well.

Zhou Nutrition Collagen Peptides

The Zhou Nutrition Collagen Peptides hydrolyzed protein comes from grass-fed bovines. With 11 grams of collagen per serving, it is at the same level with the average product in its class and can be used for skin and joint health.


  • Made from grass-fed sources
  • Recommended for skin health
  • 18 ounces container


  • No flavored options

The product is thus among the leading options when it comes to good overall peptide supplementation to your diet. It is not a very potent solution so you will need to use it for a long period of time to see the results you want.

Zammex Multi-Collagen Protein Powder

The Zammex Multi-Collagen Protein Powder comes with only 35 calories per serving. It also combines various collagen sources from meats and eggs to offer a complex formulation which is recommended for skin and nails.


  • 35 calories only
  • Great for collagen sources
  • Improves skin health


  • Not the most affordable solution

With only 35 calories and only 9 grams of collagen per serving, the supplement is one of the low-impact solutions. It thus represents a viable option when it comes to a first product it this category for many users.

Peak Performance Hydrolyzed Bone Broth + Collagen Protein Peptides Powder

The powder comes with 14 grams of collagen per serving. It is also very high in Glycine due to its bone broth source which recommends it for maximum effects in smaller concentrations. Great for skin health, the product can improve bone and joint health as well.


  • Great for bone health
  • Made from bone broth
  • High in Glycine


  • Chocolate flavor only

The product is thus recommended for good overall skin and bone health and can be one of the additional supplements to consider minimizing the effects of aging on joint and bone health, especially on the long-term.

Precision Naturals Collagen Protein Powder Peptides

The Precision Naturals Collagen Protein Powder Peptides improves skin and hair health. High in Arginine, it also improves digestion as well and this makes it a viable option for most people.


  • Great for digestive health
  • Improves sleep
  • High in Arginine


  • A small serving of some users

The collagen protein can thus come to support various areas of health and well-being. This includes sleep and digestion but it can also be used in certain detox diets as well. With obvious skin benefits, it can also tackle some of the effects of aging as well.

Conclusion & What is the Best Collagen Protein Powder Brand

While there are many collagen protein powders to consider, not all of them are made to a high standard when it comes to purity. This is why the no-fillers approach is the best solution for most users. But when it comes to the leading option, the Perfect Keto Collagen Powder (CHECK BEST PRICE HERE – EXCLUSIVE COUPON CODE: CL15 to save 15%) is the Best Collagen Protein Powder. It uniquely combines collagen protein with MCT oil to offer a great solution for skin, joints, bones and even hormone health as well.

How Not to Use Collagen Protein Powder?

When it comes to the benefits of collagen, you already know what to expect. But you will also need to learn how not to take collagen and waster your money.

Formulations with Fillers

One of the first tips you need to hear about any supplement comes with fillers. It is here that you need to pay attention to the options you have and in most cases, supplements are full of fillers. From GMOs to all types of synthetic flavors, there are many formulations you need to avoid.

If you can find a product which is approved by the FDA, you might be in luck. But since not all products are actually approved, you will need to look at the options which are at least third-party tested. Thus, you get the ability to choose products which are independently tested for label accuracy, which remains one of the biggest concerns in the supplements industry. Another advice to follow comes with gluten-free products. Even traces of gluten can be dangerous for allergic people and this is why it is recommended to look at the options which are not made in facilities which process gluten.

Taking Collagen Protein Powders for Weight Loss

If your plan is to lose weight, you need to ensure that you are not actually eating many more calories than your daily requirements. It is here that you will also need to ensure that you are truly able to abide by a diet which allows you to lose weight.

Thus, if the average adult diet has 2,000 calories per day and you are consuming more calories with no physical activity, the added collagen supplement will do nothing for you. Everything starts with the diet and this is why it is important to ensure that you are actually up to date with the information on your own caloric need.

Collagen for Weight Gain

Gaining weight is also about calories and you will need to consume more foods every day. Adding a collagen powder can maximize your collagen intake and can prove to be a small but important step towards reaching your goals faster. With increased caloric intake, you will also need to improve your activity levels to avoid increased body fat.

Becca Shaeffer


Becca Shaeffer is our resident health nut. An Ohio native, she loathes for the day she can quit her day job and move to somewhere warmer. When she's not at the gym, she's either hacking her way through skin treatments or thinking about her favorite cheat meal - thin crust pizza with anchovies and jalapenos.


About Author

Becca Shaeffer

Becca Shaeffer is our resident health nut. An Ohio native, she loathes for the day she can quit her day job and move to somewhere warmer. When she's not at the gym, she's either hacking her way through skin treatments or thinking about her favorite cheat meal - thin crust pizza with anchovies and jalapenos.

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