A Useful Guide to the 7 Different Types of Bail Bonds

In this modern era, getting arrested is much simpler than trying to get yourself out of custody. However, the various types of bail systems can be of great help to you, as well as, your loved ones get out of custody.

There are many of you who probably do not know about the various types of bonds that are useful in helping you get out of prison. These bonds work in different situations.

Choosing the right type of bail bond in order to get out of custody is rather important according to Didn’t Do It Bail Bonds.

Types of Bail Bonds

There are 7 different types of bail bonds. Here are the 7 discussed for your knowledge.

  1. Cash Bonds: Just as the name suggests, this bail bond allows a person to get out of prison with a cash payment. Although there are times when you may also use credit cards or cashier’s checks instead of cash, the corrections department normally accepts just cash.
  2. Property Bond: This type of bail bond is sometimes used in the state of California and generally not accepted in all the other states. This type of bond will allow the full rights of your property to be used as a collateral for your release from custody. You may use different types of properties. However, real estate is the most common.
  3. Surety Bond: If you are unable to give cash in order to bail yourself out, you will need to approach a bail bondsman. The most commonly used bail normally offered by a bondsman is surety bond. You secure this bond by paying 10% of your entire bail amount to the bondsman and at the same time also promising to appear at the court.
  4. Immigration Bail Bond: This is a special bond that is mainly used for all the undocumented immigrants in the USA. These people usually have different criteria that is mainly based on their legal status in the country.
  5. Citation Release: In case you get arrested, your most suitable hope will be to get a citation release. These bonds do not require any property or cash transactions between the court and you. This type of bail bond is given when an officer does not take an arrested person to the local police station and instead decides to give a citation which will require the appearance of the arrested person in court.
  6. Federal Bail Bond: If you get arrested for a federal crime, then you will require a federal bail bond in order to get yourself free from prison. These bonds are easily obtained with property or cash and there is no need for you to look for a bail bondsman.
  7. Personal Recognizance Release: This type of bail bond is almost similar to a citation release. However, in this type of bond, you will get released from jail after signing paperwork that will prove that you have agreed to appear in court before the judge on a specific date. There is no charge for this type of bail bond.
Christian Reynolds


Christian is the chief reporter, editor, and webmaster at Cleveland Leader. An aspiring news anchor, his hobbies outside of investigative reporting are golf, martinis, and adventure travel. If you have a scoop on any developing story, please contact him on this page.


About Author

Christian Reynolds

Christian is the chief reporter, editor, and webmaster at Cleveland Leader. An aspiring news anchor, his hobbies outside of investigative reporting are golf, martinis, and adventure travel. If you have a scoop on any developing story, please contact him on this page.

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