A Handy Guide to Buying STD Test Kits Online

Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs are probably one of the major causes of concern in this modern era. This category of life-threatening diseases includes HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis to name a few. As the proverb goes, “prevention is better than cure”, it is rightly applicable to these diseases. Most of you probably wonder about the ways to protect yourself from falling prey to STD. There are also some who wonder about the consequences if not getting tested on a regular basis on time. It is needless to say that failing to get yourself tested and treated for STD will automatically make you suffer from the discomforts and pains associated with these STDs. Thus, the best solution is to get a timely STD test.

Do You Really Need A STD Test?

Most of you may wonder whether it is really important for you to get STD tested. The simple answer to clear this doubt is yes, you have to get a timely test done. Getting an STD test done takes time, money, and effort. There are several risk factors for STD. some of them have been listed below for your knowledge.

Direct Risks

  • Having more than one sexual partners.
  • Having sex without any proper protection.
  • Intravenous drug usage.
  • Receiving or giving unprotected oral sex.
  • Having protected sex with a partner who has herpes.

Demographic Risks

These risks are simply those correlations which happen between different groups of people with a higher incidence rate. For example, people between the age group of 15 years to 24 years have often been reported to have cases of chlamydia as compared to people from any other age group. Men, who usually have sex with other men, account for almost 83% of the entire male syphilis cases. It is also seen that cases pertaining to STD are higher in the Southeast as compared to other parts of the country.

Symptoms of STDs

It is usually seen that most of the sexually transmitted diseases do not show any outward signs of being there inside the body. This is why they are normally considered as asymptomatic. This name is given since you do not feel any symptoms. However, this does not necessarily mean that you do not have to get tested. There are several common STD symptoms found in men. Some of them are listed below.

  • Itching sensation at the tip of the penis.
  • Abnormal discharge from the penis.
  • Burning sensation while urinating.
  • Pain in the testicles.
  • Rash on the genitals and around the anus or mouth.

How to Buy an STD Test Kit Online?

Here are the ways to buy an STD test kit online. This kit will help you get tested on your own at home.  You can also check out the Home STD Test Kits review here.

  • Search on the internet for those medical stores that provide rapid STD test kits.
  • Choose a reliable kit which you plan to use at home.
  • Read the information about the kit you plan to buy.
  • Order the test kit online and simply wait for the item to get delivered to your doorstep.
Christian Reynolds


Christian is the chief reporter, editor, and webmaster at Cleveland Leader. An aspiring news anchor, his hobbies outside of investigative reporting are golf, martinis, and adventure travel. If you have a scoop on any developing story, please contact him on this page.


About Author

Christian Reynolds

Christian is the chief reporter, editor, and webmaster at Cleveland Leader. An aspiring news anchor, his hobbies outside of investigative reporting are golf, martinis, and adventure travel. If you have a scoop on any developing story, please contact him on this page.

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