Simple Tips for Getting Rid Of Slugs from Your Garden

If you have a garden of your own and you take good care of it, you will certainly not like to find slugs trying to destroy your beloved garden. Slugs do not simply munch through the seedlings in a matter of minutes, they also have the capacity of destroying your beloved delphinium or hosta within just a few days.

Slugs are basically hermaphrodite. This means that they have both the female and male reproductive organs. They mate with themselves and can produce around 36 eggs more than once a year. Slugs reach their adulthood within a time span of 6 weeks and some of the species also have a lifespan of 2 to 6 years.

Tips To Get Rid Of Slugs from Your Garden

Here are some useful tips that can help you get rid of slugs from your garden very easily.

  1. Slugs normally do not like the idea of crawling over anything that is dusty, scratchy or dry. These include lime, coarse sawdust, sand, and gravel to name a few. As a result of this, these can easily become great barriers to keep slugs away from your garden.
  2. Try and sprinkle Epson Salts on the soil in your garden. This will prevent the deficiency of magnesium in plants and also help deter slugs to a great extent.
  3. Use vinegar generously to spray around your garden to remove slug slime and to keep away the pests.
  4. You may also sprinkle salt around your plants. This will dry out the plants, which will prevent the slugs from going near them.
  5. You may also use human, cat, or even dog hair to put around your plants. This method will save your plants from slug invasion, as well as, prevent other critters from going near them.
  6. The moment you notice a slime trail, destroy it immediately. This will prevent other slugs from following the trail. These pests usually follow each other’s trails. There are also some plants which slugs detest strongly such as chives, mint, foxgloves, garlic, and geraniums. You may plant them at the borders of your garden. This will also discourage Japanese beetles from entering your garden.
  7. Try stones as a solution. Make stone paths around your favorite flower beds in order to stop slugs from destroying them.
  8. Do you have potted plants and sometimes notice slugs in them? Apply petroleum jelly around the tops and base of the pots and see them slide away.
  9. You may also use foil or copper barriers around your plants. This will stop them from eating the plants. Even if these slugs try to cross them, they will get a minor shock. This process is also useful to stop snails.

There are several other tips that can help you stop slugs from destroying your beloved garden and plants. It is true that one method may not work in every situation. Thus, trying multiple tips at a time may give you proper results and also save your plants from getting destroyed.

Find more information about natural and organic slug control here on

Christian Reynolds


Christian is the chief reporter, editor, and webmaster at Cleveland Leader. An aspiring news anchor, his hobbies outside of investigative reporting are golf, martinis, and adventure travel. If you have a scoop on any developing story, please contact him on this page.


About Author

Christian Reynolds

Christian is the chief reporter, editor, and webmaster at Cleveland Leader. An aspiring news anchor, his hobbies outside of investigative reporting are golf, martinis, and adventure travel. If you have a scoop on any developing story, please contact him on this page.

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